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A Guide to How IT Can Assist Small UK Businesses Reduce Cost



A Guide to How IT Can Assist Small UK Businesses Reduce Cost

With the rise of technology within most up-to-date organisations, many businesses are in the cycle of trying to find how they can reduce costs through more efficient IT management. 

In order to have a thriving and successful business, one has to consider various things. However, there are two major factors that take preference: the efficiency of the operations and the optimisation of the end result. As a result of the omnipresence of technology within businesses, both of these factors can be managed.  

We were able to discuss these factors with a few small business IT support companies who have confirmed that their experience with many businesses have proven how technology and its support have grown to be an important opportunity for an average businesses to consider. 

This article further explores how IT support can be used by businesses to reduce their end result and become more cost efficient, through proactive support, replacing legacy solutions, revise workflows, and new technology implementation. 

Proactive Support

Technology and IT support has become an integral part for most businesses and professionals to operate their daily functions. Despite Covid-19 setting a higher precedent for virtual communication and remote working, most businesses still depended on a computer to complete their daily operations, with the addition of remote technology allowing users to work whilst they’re on-the-go. 

The dependency of businesses on technology only proves that if any organisation is opposed to any business technology, it will only impact their work capacity, resulting in further issues down the line. There are many IT Support London business organisations that often rely on using ‘proactive’ IT support to assist with predicting issues, in order to resolve the problem quicker. This method can reduce a business’ costly downtime on production. 

Replacing Legacy Solutions

Technology is a very fast paced sector, enabling many systems to become outdated – be it hardware or software. Solutions that rely on hardware, such as server-based infrastructure, are considered to be ‘legacy’ solutions within businesses. This means that they are not reliant on current IT trends, which could become a very costly exercise for many businesses to maintain. Unfortunately, many organisations assume that it would cost more for them to replace legacy systems, as opposed to what it would be to maintain them. Assisting businesses with this knowledge, will allow them to make a more cost-effective decision going forward. 

Cloud storage is a crucial example of how businesses can potentially cost save through the replacing of legacy solutions. Instead of businesses spending fortunes on replacing outdated network hardware, they can rather pay a fraction of the cost for ongoing access to cloud storage. This has also become a more cost-efficient and up-to-date tool that has become more easily accessible to businesses. 

Revise Workflows

For many decades technology has played a pivotal role in influencing workflows within businesses. Think about how much accessible it has become to send a colleague a document or contact them directly. Up-to-date business workflows are very much integrated with business technology, therefore updated IT support can assist businesses I achieving more efficient workflows. As mentioned in previously, ‘replacing legacy solutions’, will amount to a faster and more flexible system which can help businesses improve their efficiency and accuracy of their workplace, which results in better productivity overall. Research shows that the main reason as to why businesses are able to save money through tech-driven workflows is because it helps them get more out of their time and their resources. If one looks at it, it is more of cost optimisation than a cost reduction, which is essentially what every business should strive for. 

New Technology Implementation

Businesses that attempt to be up-to-date with the times will be able to get a lot from updating their technological infrastructure, through cost optimisation and reduction. Companies like Microsoft 365 Consultants are able to provide organisations with solutions like cloud storage, internet transmissions, infrastructure as a service and many additional updated IT solutions. Further cost reduction can be made by implementing new technologies and eliminating the need for hardware, allowing for an efficient and productive workflow. 

If there is anything to take away from this article, it would be that technology has immense potential for businesses. In order for a business to thrive and maintain success, through cost reduction, businesses have to consider the IT management of the efficiency of the operations and the optimisations of the end result.  


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