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8 Unforgettable Reasons to Hire a Professional Book Cover Designer



8 Unforgettable Reasons to Hire a Professional Book Cover Designer

If you are reading this, it means that your book is ready to be published or that you are just a few steps away from achieving this milestone. At this point, you may be wondering about the ideal book cover to represent your work.

Every author understands the importance of a brilliant book cover and how it plays a crucial role in ensuring the success of your efforts. While the importance of a brilliant book cover cannot be contested, the real question that may be bothering you is whether hiring a professional book cover designer is really that important.

If you are not sure about the answer, here are some of the most important reasons to favor a book cover designer. Let’s dive in and find out more!

1. Create a Memorable First Impression

You may have heard people tell you not to judge a book by its cover. This idiom is very ironic in the book publishing industry. Everyone understands that the first impression of a book may not be the last, but it certainly makes a difference.

The popular expression “don’t judge a book by its cover” might work on anything except books. Therefore, you must pay special attention to this aspect to ensure the success of your book.

An attractive book cover design will help you make a memorable first impression on your readers. A professional book cover designer knows the importance of a good cover and can help you make the most of this aspect to win your readers’ hearts.

2. Represent Your Genre

A book cover is not only an opportunity for you to make an unforgettable first impression on your audience but also to represent your genre. If your book genre fails to communicate to your readers, the discoverability of your book can be highly affected. 

Whether you have created a romance masterpiece or written a ground-breaking science fiction book, you will need a brilliant cover that represents what is inside the book. Think like a reader for a second and think, will you even give a second thought to a book without an impressive book cover?

After all, you cannot expect every reader to stand in the book aisle and read what your book is about unless the cover sparks curiosity. 

3. Meet Audience Expectations

Readers and their preferences can vary from one genre to another. You cannot expect generic book covers to work for a fan of every genre. The book cover you choose for your work must appeal to the interests and preferences of your target audience.

You do not need to start over if you have the target research part. You can let a professional book cover designer cater to this problem. These professionals understand that a brilliant book cover must correlate with the interests of your target audience. 

Your professional book cover designer can gather feedback, see reader preferences, and do so much more to ensure that your book cover instantly creates a connection with your target audience.

4. Convey the Hook

Every author understands the importance of using book hooks to make an impact on their reader. A book hook is a tool that helps you spark curiosity in your readers without giving away too much information to them.

You can count on your book cover designer to use design elements such as colors, fonts, and images to tell readers about your book. They know exactly which elements to use to draw readers to your book, even if they are aisles away.

5. Use Quality Images

Go back to the days when you were not a writer and just someone who enjoyed reading. When skimming through the book aisles, would you ever consider picking up a book with a book cover that has a low-quality image? The answer is no.

Low-quality images as book covers can undermine the quality and value of your book. Therefore, you must use high-quality and original images to create a unique and everlasting impression in front of your readers.

When you hire the services of a professional book cover designer, you can be sure that they will create original content and that all the copyrights will belong to you.

6. Ensure Brilliant Typography

Another important factor in determining the success of your book is its typography. Every book is one font choice away from reaching success or failing in the eyes of its readers. 

Typography is a small part of your book cover, but it can make a huge difference. Therefore, it is important for you to hire professional help to ensure that the best choices are made for your book. Even though there are more than half a million fonts out there, you can trust a professional to make the best choices for you.

7. Choose the Right Colors and Contrasts

Have you ever read about color theory and its connection with psychology? If not, now is the time to study this crucial subject. When readers scan the shelves in an offline or online bookstore, they subconsciously look for a specific visual pattern. You can give them exactly what they seek by understanding color theory.

Every color evokes certain feelings, and no one knows the correlation between the two better than a professional book cover designer. You can count on them to make the best choice regarding the colors, tints, and contrasts of your book cover.

8. Ensure Author Branding

Just like everything else, your book cover design also forms your author brand. In order to create an author brand, you must be able to use consistent details in your book covers so that readers can recognize your work at a glance.

While consistency is great, you must ensure that you can always experiment with elements such as the font style, book title, and more. For example, you can use a completely different dominant color for each cover but go with the images and vice versa.

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